


All Content in This Chapter

1. If the probability of a disease is .34 without treatment and .22 with treatment then what is the
(a) absolute risk reduction
(b) relative risk reduction
(c) Odds ratio
(d) Number needed totreat

2. When is it meaningful to compute the proportional differnce between means?

3. The mean for an experimental group is 12, the mean for the control group were 8, the MSE from the ANOVA is 16, and N, the number of observatiions is 20, compute g and d.

4. Two experiments investigated the same variables but one of the experiment had subject who difered greatly from each other wherease the the subjects in the other experiment were relatively homogeneous. Which experiment would likely have the larger value of g?

5. Why is ω2 preferable to η2?

6. What is the difference between η2 and partial η2?

The following questions are from the Teacher Ratings case study.

7. What are the values of d and g?

8. What are the values of ω2 and η2?

The following question is from the Smiles and Leniency case study.

9. What are the values of ω2 and η2?

The following question is from the Obesity and Bias case study.

10. For compute ω2 and partial ω2 for the effect of "Weight" in a "Weight x Relatedness" ANOVA.

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